Eclipse. On top of the Bundestag, sick Berlin.
- Model Name: Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL
- Date: 2008:04:13 17:53:10
- Exposure Program: Aperture priority
- Exposure Time: 1/30
- F Number: 7.1
- ISO: 400
- Focal Length: 10
- Exposure Mode: 0
April 13, 2008
Eclipse. On top of the Bundestag, sick Berlin.
C'était pas plutôt à Berlin Ouest le Bundestag (anciennement Reichstag…) ?
oh. Admettons. Berlin de toute façon ! je corrige :p
Hum… sorry but I don't like it very much.
I guess it's quite difficult to render properly the feeling you get there, with the depth of the sky literally forced on you. BTW, maybe that's not what you tried to achieve, focusing more on the “flat” feeling and the light contrasts. The one on the circle border is great, but I find the whole picture quite uninteresting.
(oh, and a little mistake, the Bundestag is in west Berlin)
Strangely, the more I look at it, the less I dislike it… (maybe because it reminds me of some Samael cover art). But definitely not the best of what you're capable of.
C'est mon dernier mot Jean-Pierre ^_^
Personnellement j'adore
Very well composed shot
Great perspective feels like I'm on the inside looking out of something. The dark clouds create a very dramatic mood here. Excellent composition.
Globalement, j'aime bien. Le ciel manque certes un peu de contraste, mais bon, ça ira ! 😉
quel force graphique dans cette image!
I like it. Many interesting shapes in one picture. Feels like the sky is coming nearer. It's a cool shot! 🙂
Image subliminale, on dirait un anus, bref de la photo de piètre qualité, mais le talent c’est quoi au juste, acheter du matos, étaler son inculture et se prendre pour un génie quand on a pris une merde de chien en photo, pourquoi pas ? le monde de l’inculture nous envahit alors pas facile de résister à l’expression de la médiocratie ambiante… ce genre de personnage s’adresse à un public inculte, il est facile de passer pour un créateur quand on s’adresse à des cons !
In the end, we did not get anything out of those orders. Plus, we also needed to find another supplier and of course, deal with our clients.