Waking up in the Medina. A month ago, I went to Tunis on a job related trip. While the job was pretty exciting, the working hours wouldn’t give me much time for tourism. The only way for me to the Medina turned out to wake up fairly early, and see the old Tunis before actually going to work. While wandering through the narrow streets, the city was slowly waking up. Actually, a great deal of its inhabitants were already busy at work and opening their stores.
Here’s a black and white version:

Je n’aurais vu que la photo en noir et blanc, je l’aurais trouvé très belle. Mais en couleur, il n’y a pas photo si je peux me permettre ce jeux de mots foireux :). Cette femme en jaune et ces nuances de bleu et de vert contrastent à merveille avec l’arcade du premier blanc quasi-monochrome. Bien vu Pierre!