An everyday life's Odyssey

The shadow

The shadow

February 16, 2008

Info, rate & Comments

The Shadow of myself.

  • Model Name: Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL
  • Date: 2008:02:16 17:48:31
  • Exposure Program: Aperture priority
  • Exposure Time: 10/1
  • F Number: 5.6
  • ISO: 100
  • Focal Length: 10
  • Exposure Mode: 0
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (22 votes, average: 2.00 out of 5)


  1. Excellent, belle gestion de la lumière. Cette pièce a une volume intéressant, certes restreint et la cohabitation du mur en pierre encerclant un fenêtre au raz du sol contraste avec les pentes du toit.

  2. Very good shot ! The ghost effect is perfectly achieved, and is really efficient in this place. I guess the room is full of the dust and smell of plaster, but the b&w, the pov and the saturated light of the window (an i guess the pyramidal shape too) gives a quasi-mystical feeling to it. Definitely a great picture !

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