Excellent, belle gestion de la lumière. Cette pièce a une volume intéressant, certes restreint et la cohabitation du mur en pierre encerclant un fenêtre au raz du sol contraste avec les pentes du toit.
Very good shot ! The ghost effect is perfectly achieved, and is really efficient in this place. I guess the room is full of the dust and smell of plaster, but the b&w, the pov and the saturated light of the window (an i guess the pyramidal shape too) gives a quasi-mystical feeling to it. Definitely a great picture !
Excellent, belle gestion de la lumière. Cette pièce a une volume intéressant, certes restreint et la cohabitation du mur en pierre encerclant un fenêtre au raz du sol contraste avec les pentes du toit.
Je ne savais pas que cette maison était hantée. L'effet est bien et
de plus je connais le fantome…
Very nice lighting
Very good shot ! The ghost effect is perfectly achieved, and is really efficient in this place. I guess the room is full of the dust and smell of plaster, but the b&w, the pov and the saturated light of the window (an i guess the pyramidal shape too) gives a quasi-mystical feeling to it. Definitely a great picture !
this room is empty of dust… non mais alors. Qui fait le ménage dans cete maison????
However, like pipo said, there's no dust in there 
I like this shot too when I saw it two or three weeks ago. Well chosen…
Great perspective with this shot. Love the B&W it really brings out the details and contrasts very well in this image. Nice work.
Excellent idea! I like the ghost effect and frog viewangle
thanks a lot!
Magnifique travail!