Change. Certainly not my finest pic ever, but I chose it to illustrate this special post: this is my first post ever with wordpress! The blogging engine has been replaced, and some quirks may be left here and there. I apologize in advance you may find any of them. If you do so, let me know 🙂 The reasons for this change are multiple, but the main one is that the previous engine was getting old, with no one to maintain it. I couldn’t afford to maintain it on my own, so I moved to greener pasture.
- Model Name: Canon EOS 7D
- Date: 2011:07:01 19:09:03
- Exposure Program: Aperture priority
- Exposure Time: 1/50
- F Number: 2.8
- ISO: 800
- Focal Length: 55
- Exposure Mode: 0
Really, really cool, new rataki!!! I love it!; )
elle est vraiment bien
Hi, very nice restyling of hte website! The only problem for me is on the RSS feed, that doesn’t include the picture preview anymore…