One last puff. Snowy Tuileries station, near the Louvre, Paris. Finally, Snow! We’ve been expecting this snow for so long, this winter having been reaaaally soft until now. We tried to go to the Ferris wheel at first. No one was there, but we could barely see the Eiffel tower from where we were, we decided to walk to Higuma, a Japanese restaurant. Taking pictures under those difficult conditions isn’t precisely easy as the snow keeps falling on the front lens. It seemed it was for everyone, all were rushing to the metro stations, except for this guy, who took the time for the last puffs of his cigarette before disappearing underground.
- Model Name: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
- Date: 2013:01:14 21:48:04
- Exposure Program: Aperture priority
- Exposure Time: 1/50
- F Number: 2.8
- ISO: 3200
- Focal Length: 40
- Exposure Mode: 0
Une belle image avec cette tombée de neige. La clôture, le personnage, les différents éclairages en font une image réussie. Bravo.
je ne suis pas très fan …