Pause. Again in the Meadowlands. I’ll be on a break for a while, don’t expect regular posts until next week!
- Model Name: Canon EOS 40D
- Date: 2009:03:07 17:14:22
- Exposure Program: Aperture priority
- Exposure Time: 1/25
- F Number: 8
- ISO: 400
- Focal Length: 10
- Exposure Mode: 0
Very graphic shot. I like the way you use B&W
Hey, just i just wanted to remind, tha global I4oTuFskPCc4 is near.
Le ciel semble être un peu plus en fuite qu'en pause…
Have a nice break :o)
I like the effect of the pincushion distortion from the wide angle lens, combined with the leaning pole – all adds to the feeling of drama in this image.
Cadrage tip top et graphique.
Tes noirs et blancs ont vraiment quelque chose de spécial, je suis un grand fan de tes traitements d'image!